Sam Cain coaches with over a decade of experience; he's renowned for his ability to transform young talent into competitive powerhouses. Sam’s journey began on the field, playing a pivotal role in securing his college team’s first conference championship at NCAA...
Soccer Programs for Every Level
Northwest Iowa Soccer Club’s recreational soccer program offers a fun, inclusive environment focused on skill development, teamwork, and fair play. With no scores or stats recorded, every child plays, regardless of ability. It’s ideal for those not ready or able to commit to more competitive levels.
Northwest Iowa Soccer Club’s Academy Program is for boys and girls ages U8-U14 who have a strong interest in soccer. It offers weekly 1-hour training sessions focused on skill development, led by licensed coaches. The program builds confidence and passion for the game through fun, educational sessions.
Northwest Iowa Soccer Club’s Galaxy Competitive Program is for players ready to advance beyond recreational soccer. Open to U10-U19, it offers skill development through professional coaching and tournament play. Players and families enjoy unique experiences, traveling to compete against teams worldwide, while building both soccer skills and lasting connections.
Northwest Iowa Soccer Club offers spring and fall recreational soccer, a competitive soccer program, and an academy program that bridges the gap between recreational and competitive.
Indoor Facility Rental
Our indoor facility is available for rental, offering a versatile space for soccer training, events, and activities year-round. Whether you’re looking for extra practice time or hosting a soccer event, our facility provides a high-quality environment to suit your needs.
News & Updates
Stay informed with the latest news and updates from NWISC. From upcoming registrations and tournaments to facility rentals and special events, we’ll keep you in the loop on everything happening at the club!
What our players are saying:
Why we’re here.
Our Mission is to serve Northwest Iowa’s youth by striving to achieve the highest standards of youth soccer development – training, instruction and competition – by focusing on player development in an atmosphere of teamwork, respect, and professionalism, ensuring opportunities for all interested. It is the goal of the Northwest Iowa Soccer Club to bring out the joy that the game of soccer can provide our youth by offering players every level of competition available, fueling their passion, challenging them to grow, teaching them to persevere, and recognizing their strengths in contributing to their teammates and their communities.